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If you haven’t yet got Faros running on your cluster, see Installation for details on how to get it running.

If you would like to deploy a private Git repository, we recommend doing so using SSH. To allow Faros access to the repository, place an authorised private key within a Secret.

Create a ClusterGitTrack resource based the example below:

kind: ClusterGitTrack
  name: foo
  # Repository accepts any valid Git repository reference, the most common formats
  # are:
  #   https://<server>/<organisation>/<repository>
  #   <user>@<server>:<organisation>/<repository>
  # Reference accepts any valid Git reference, this could be a branch name, tag
  # or commit SHA, eg:
  #   master or refs/remotes/origin/master
  #   v1.0.0 or refs/tags/v1.0.0
  #   ec32c240b7f9b440aa727c9d931751fdd0c40b49
  reference: master
  # (Optional) SubPath expects a path to a folder within the repository.
  # Note: Faros loads all .yml/.yaml/.json files recursively within the path.
  subPath: deployments/kube-system
  # (Optional) DeployKey allows you to specify credentials for repository access
  # over SSH or HTTP Basic Auth
    # SecretName is the name of the secret containing the secret
    secretName: foo-k8s-manifests
    # SecretNamespace is the namespace to look for the secret in
    secretName: default
    # Key is the Secret's key containing the secret
    key: id_rsa
    # (Optional) Type is the type of credential. Accepted values are "SSH", "HTTPBasicAuth". Defaults to "SSH"
    # When set to "HTTPBasicAuth" the expected secret format is "<username>:<password>".
    type: SSH | HTTPBasicAuth

Deploy the ClusterGitTrack to your cluster and watch its status as Faros processes it. Eventually all conditions should have status True and the objectsApplied and objectsInSync fields should be equal.

    - lastTransitionTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      lastUpdateTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      reason: FileParseSuccess
      status: "True"
      type: FilesParsed
    - lastTransitionTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      lastUpdateTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      reason: GitFetchSuccess
      status: "True"
      type: FilesFetched
    - lastTransitionTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      lastUpdateTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      reason: GCSuccess
      status: "True"
      type: ChildrenGarbageCollected
    - lastTransitionTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      lastUpdateTime: 2018-10-16T17:36:21Z
      reason: ChildUpdateSuccess
      status: "True"
      type: ChildrenUpToDate
  objectsApplied: 82
  objectsDiscovered: 83
  objectsIgnored: 1
  objectsInSync: 82