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To build faros locally, run

make build

In order to build all binaries for all supported architectures, you may

make release

Deploying to Kubernetes

Faros is a Kubebuilder based project, as such we have auto-generated CRDs and Kustomize configuration as examples of how to install the controller in the config folder. To quickly install the controller and CRDs on a cluster you can run make deploy.

You must manually install the CRDs before the controller will be fully functional, it will not install them for you.

A public docker image is available on Quay.

Docker Repository on Quay


If you are using RBAC within your cluster, you must grant the service account used by your Faros instance a superset of all roles you expect it to deploy.

The simplest way to do this is to grant Faros cluster-admin, however, if you wish to be more secure, you can concatenate all rules from each Role and ClusterRole that Faros will manage.

If you do not do so, you will see errors where Faros is attempting to escalate its privileges.