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The following details the various configuration options that Faros provides at the controller level.

Ignore Resource types

You may not want to have Faros manage all types of Kubernetes resource. The --ignore-resource flag allows you to specify a particular Resource to ignore.

Specify Resources to ignore in the format <resource>.<api-group>/<api-version>, for example to ignore all Kubernetes Jobs specify the following flag:


It is recommended not to manage GitTrack or ClusterGitTrack resources using Faros itself, so ignore those using the following flags:

GitTracks and ClusterGitTracks

References to git repositories are known as GitTracks. Faros has 2 different kinds of GitTracks, regular and ClusterGitTrack. Regular GitTracks exist in a namespace and can only handle resources in that namespace. ClusterGitTracks live in the cluster scope and can handle all resources.

This somewhat cumbersome distinction exists because Kubernetes doesn’t allow cross-namespace ownership. For a simple setup, it’s recommended that you use a single ClusterGitTrack to handle your entire cluster.

A Faros controller can be restricted to only handling GitTracks or ClusterGitTracks with the --gittrack-mode and --clustergittrack-mode flags. --gittrack-mode takes the following options

  • Disabled: Don’t handle gittracks
  • Enabled: Handle gittracks

When a Faros controller is handling gittracks, you can restrict it to only handling GitTracks within one namespace with the --namespace=$namespace flag. If the namespace flag is empty, all namespaces are handled.

--clustergittrack-mode takes the following options

  • Disabled: No ClusterGitTracks are handled
  • ExcludeNamespaced: Only cluster-scoped resources within a ClusterGitTrack are handled
  • IncludeNamespaced: all resources are handled by a ClusterGitTrack, including namespaced ones.

When --clustergittrack-mode is enabled, you cannot restrict it to a given namespace because of kubernetes internals limitations

Leader Election

Faros can be run in an active-standby HA configuration using Kubernetes leader election. When leader election is enabled, each Pod will attempt to become leader and, whichever is successful, will become the active or master controller. The master will perform all of the reconciliation of Resources.

The standby Pods will sit and wait until the leader goes away and then one standby will be promoted to master.

To enable leader election, set the following flags:


Sync period

The controller uses Kubernetes informers to cache resources and reduce load on the Kubernetes API server. Every informer has a sync period, after which it will refresh all resources within its cache. At this point, every item in the cache is queued for reconciliation by the controller.

Therefore, by setting the following flag;

--sync-period=5m // Default value of 5m (5 minutes)

You can ensure that every resource will be reconciled at least every 5 minutes.

Server Dry Run

By default, the GitTrackObject controller will attempt to dry run updates to resources before actually applying updates. This helps to prevent unnecessary updates and allows mutating admission controller results to be observed.

Server side dry run currently sits behind a feature gate within Kubernetes, please see the table below for compatibility.

Kubernetes Version Feature Status Compatible
1.14 Beta feature gate enabled (default) True
1.14 Beta feature gate disabled False
1.13 Beta feature gate enabled (default) True
1.13 Beta feature gate disabled False
1.12 Alpha feature gate enabled True
1.12 Beta feature gate disabled (default) False
1.11 Not Implemented False

If your version of Kubernets is incompatible, please disable server dry run as below:

--server-dry-run=false // Defaults to true


The controller exposes a number of metrics in a prometheus format at a /metrics endpoint. By default, the metrics serving are bound to the address port 8080 on all interfaces.

Change this with the following flag:

--metrics-bind-address= // Bind the metrics to localhost only

Serving metrics can be disabled by setting the flag to 0:

--metrics-bind-address=0 // Disable serving all metrics

Available Metrics

  • faros_gittrack_child_status - Exposes the count of GitTrack child objects by status (applied,discovered,ignored,inSync).
  • faros_gittrack_time_to_deploy_seconds_{bucket, count, sum} - Measures the time from updating a repository to the update being propagated to the child object.
  • faros_gittrackobject_in_sync - Indicates whether individual children are in sync with their desired state.

  • controller_runtime_reconcile_errors_total - Counts the total number of errors produced by the controller.
  • controller_runtime_reconcile_queue_length - Counts how many items are currently queued for reconciliation by the controller.
  • controller_runtime_reconcile_time_second_{bucket, count, sum} - Measures how long each reconciliation takes within the controller.