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This document is only applicable if you are upgrading from a version before v0.7.0 to a later version. You can safely ignore this document if this is not the case for you.

ClusterGitTrack migration plan

Kubernetes disallows having owner relationships that go from one namespace into another or from a namespaced object to a cluster-scoped one. Previously, Faros has been able to create these, and because of limitations in the Kubernetes garbage collector, it hasn’t been immediately obvious that this shouldn’t have worked.

This document sets out how to check whether you might be vulnerable to this issue and how to mitigate it when upgrading to Faros version 0.7.0

Checking if you’re impacted

If you have any ClusterGitTrackObjects in your cluster, you are impacted. You can check this by running kubectl get clustergittrackobjects

If you don’t have any ClusterGitTrackObjects, you might still be impacted. Run the tool here to check if you have any GitTrackObjects owned by GitTracks in a different namespace.

If neither of these are applicable to your setup, you are not impacted. The only change required is to add the --gittrack-mode=Enabled flag to your Faros deployment when upgrading to version 0.7.0 or greater.

The rest of this document sets out how to migrate in the case that you are impacted.

Migrating ClusterGitTrackObjects

If you have ClusterGitTrackObjects in your setup, then you will have to migrate those to being managed by ClusterGitTracks

  1. Apply the ClusterGitTrack custom resource definition to your cluster. It’ll be needed for running later versions of Faros
  2. Scale down your Faros deployments so that there are no active Faros pods running
  3. Remove all ownerReferences from ClusterGitTrackObjects. For small setups, this can be done manually, but bigger setups can be done programmatically, for example, using jq:

     # kubectl get -a clustergittrackobjects -o json > /tmp/cgtos.json
     # jq '.items[].metadata.ownerReferences = null' /tmp/cgtos.json > /tmp/newcgtos.json
     # kubectl apply -f /tmp/newcgtos.json

    You can check that all ClusterGitTrackObjects are unowned with the following jq expression

     # kubectl get clustergittrackobject -o json | jq '.items[].metadata | select(.ownerReferences == null) | .name' -r
  4. For every GitTrack which previously owned a ClusterGitTrackObject, create a ClusterGitTrack that matches its target. If you used the namespacecheck tool to check for ClusterGitTracks, it should have written a file with all the required ClusterGitTracks to apply.
  5. Create a new deployment of Faros with the flags --gittrack-mode=Disabled and --clustergittrack-mode=ExcludeNamespaced. This should adopt all ClusterGitTrackObjects so they are owned by ClusterGitTracks
  6. Check that ClusterGitTrackObjects are now owned by ClusterGitTracks. This can be done with the following jq expression

     # kubectl get clustergittrackobject -o json | jq '.items[].metadata | select(.ownerReferences != null and .ownerReferences[].kind != "ClusterGitTrack") | .name' -r

A Faros deployment must handle ClusterGitTracks. If you have one faros for the entire cluster, you can add the --clustergittrack-mode=IncludeNamespaced flag to it.1

Migrating GitTrackObjects

If the tool for checking GitTrackObjects didn’t find any cross-namespace references, you are good to go, just add the --gittrack-mode=Enabled to all your existing Faros deployments

If you did find objects owned across namespaces, you’ll have to take steps to make sure that they are owned by a parent within their own namespace

  1. Scale down your Faros deployments so that there are no active Faros pods running
  2. Remove all ownerReferences from GitTrackObjects. You can use the shell snippet from the ClusterGitTrack section to do this.

If you have a setup where all your GitTracks live in one namespace, follow these steps

  1. Create ClusterGitTracks matching each of your current GitTracks
  2. Remove the existing GitTracks
  3. Start a Faros with --clustergittrack-mode=IncludeNamespaced and --gittrack-mode=Disabled

If you have a setup where GitTracks are distributed amongst multiple namespaces, follow these steps

  1. Create a new deployment of Faros with the flags --gittrack-mode=Enabled and --clustergittrack-mode=Disabled, with no namespace (meaning it will handle all namespaces)
  2. For each GitTrack, inspect them for status.ignoredFiles saying namespace $NAMESPACE is not managed by this GitTrack
  3. Move your resources in git and update your GitTracks so that each GitTrack manages a single namespace that the GitTrack lives in (you can have multiple GitTrack per namespace, but only one namespace to a GitTrack)
  4. Turn off the new deployment of Faros and scale up your old Faros deployments with --gittrack-mode=Enabled

Once these steps are done, you can run the namespacecheck tool again to verify that there are no cross-namespace references.

  1. For Kubernetes internals reasons, a Faros controller cannot both handle a single namespace and ClusterGitTracks. If you only have namespaced Faros controllers, you will need to add a new deployment handling only ClusterGitTracks