This is our new color palette. All new branded content should now be using these rather than the legacy blue/pink.
Primary Colors
- $color-primary
- #549eff
- rgb(84, 158, 255)
- Pantone Solid Uncoated 2173 U
- $color-developer
- #58d794
- rgb(88, 215, 148)
- Pantone Solid Uncoated 353 U
Neutral Colors
We also have a defined palette of neutral colors, that can be used for text and borders.
- $color-white
- #ffffff
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- $color-snow
- #f4f8fb
- rgb(244, 248, 251)
- $color-smoke
- #d3dce7
- rgb(211, 220, 231)
- $color-silver
- #8690a6
- rgb(134, 144, 166)
- $color-slate
- #414859
- rgb(65, 72, 89)
- $color-black
- #2b303b
- rgb(43, 48, 59)
UI Colors
These colors should be used to highlight elements that require action. They are mainly used on Alerts.
- $color-success
- #43ac6a
- rgb(67, 172, 106)
- $color-warning
- #ffae00
- rgb(255, 174, 0)
- $color-danger
- #b74a48
- rgb(183, 74, 72)
- $color-information
- #34495e
- rgb(52, 73, 94)